There are two ways you can keep taxes low: grow the tax base or keep expenses down. Tax increases year after year, often to add to the "rainy day fund," is not a viable policy for residents or businesses. It has become the "overtax fund."
I believe that Wallingford's tax base can grow through investment in economic development, attracting quality developers, revitalizing downtown, public/private partnership opportunities, retaining our larger employers, fostering incubator space for new businesses, having pro-business policies and a business mindset in Town Hall.
I believe that Wallingford's expenses can be kept down through the same common sense cost saving measures that have been employed by businesses and other towns for decades. Businesses thinking of moving to Wallingford shouldn't have to transact research, applications, forms, payments and other activities through the mail or by coming to Town Hall. The current policies make Wallingford less attractive to businesses and more costly to everyone. It is inefficient for Town employees and those trying to transact business.
for Wallingford
Town Council
We need a plan to unburden residential taxpayers. I do not endorse a business as usual approach. I will not be a rubber stamp for increased taxes.
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Copyright © 2018 Gina for Council. All Rights Reserved. Approved by Gina Morgenstein - Paid for by Gina for Council, Cindy Chelcun, Treasurer