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Littering in Wallingford is a big problem and it's not just the usual roadside type. We have a true dumping problem in parks and open spaces. Town Hall refuses to even study a town-wide garbage pickup program --- whether town run or privately contracted.

I support a cost effective residential garbage pick-up service that is part of our taxable services. We sorely need a plan to address dumping and trash pick-up.

I've spent a lifetime valuing the balance between the lives we lead and the earth we live on. From composting to recycling and reusing I am forever looking for how best to conserve and preserve our valuable resources. 

Many know of my classes given at SCOW (Spanish Community of Wallingford) (1), to scout troops and library programs. I was a member of the Town of Wallingford Recycling Committee and for the last few years I have helped promote attendance at Community Cleanup Days. The sad part is that whether cleaning town roads or the Tyler Mill nature area, there is an ongoing supply of litter. Our public spaces, roadsides, front yards belong to all of us. Making sure we are in compliance and doing the best we can as a community in how we dispose of our waste is of vital importance to us all. 

Locally, Wallingford is facing stresses in our water supply and air quality. We are home to a number of businesses that require government permission to pollute — so called “Title V” (2) federal Clean Air Act permits. Over the last few years a number of these businesses have been found in violation, resulting in fines and shutdowns until they were forced back into compliance. 

Two specific environmental issues impact Wallingford. The federal EPA and state DEEP have become increasingly concerned with phosphorous. New regulations will require major upgrades to our water treatment. We need to prepare and be proactive for this upcoming requirement. In addition, the State has banned the use of pesticides at school athletic fields and municipal playgrounds (3). Our town Public Works department still uses the pesticide Roundup. In recent years the EPA, the American Cancer Society, and the World Health Organization have recognized this product as a carcinogenic (cancer causing agent). Our neighboring town, Durham was so concerned that it ordered a study group, resulting in a total ban (4). Durham, other towns, our athletic fields are using non-toxic alternatives while the town continues to use Roundup. This needs to stop. 

These are issues to address, not to ignore or minimize. Some can be addressed without financial costs, but will require time, effort and education. Other issues that are more global, such as phosphorous, require preparation and a vision. We need to prepare for the costs and we need to work with Hartford to make those costs affordable.

for Wallingford
Town Council
I'll be a voice of advocacy for protection of water and air quality. The quality of life for all of us depends on this.
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Copyright © 2018 Gina for Council. All Rights Reserved. Approved by Gina Morgenstein - Paid for by Gina for Council, Cindy Chelcun, Treasurer